Friday 29 April 2016

UNIT 8 SEC 2.1 Triangles

UNIT 8 SEC 2.1 Triangles
29 April 2016

The interior angles of a triangle are the angles formed inside the triangle
by its sides. For example, the interior angles of the triangle in Figure 12
are marked as α, β and γ. You may be familiar with the fact that the
interior angles of every triangle add up to 180. In the next activity you
are asked to check this result for some triangles, and then prove it by using
results that you found earlier.
The angles in a triangle add up to 180.
First, a key step was experimenting with the triangle, spotting a pattern
and deciding what result seems to be true in general. Then, using results
that were already proven, and working step by step with a clear diagram,
it was possible to prove the result.
An addition to a geometric diagram, in order to help prove a fact about the
original shape, is known as a construction. A construction that is a line
is known as a construction line.
Once you have come up with the main ideas of a proof, the next stage is to
write the proof out clearly, using words and mathematical notation, so
that a reader can understand it. You must give an argument that refers to
results known to be true, and work logically step by step from what you
know to what you want to prove. The process of setting out a geometric
argument is summarised overleaf, and then Example 3 shows how it is
applied to prove that the angles in a triangle add up to 180.
Setting out a geometric argument
1. State the general fact that is to be proved, including any given
2. Draw a diagram that contains the information that is given,
labelling the important features, such as points and angles.
3. Add any useful constructions.
4. Proceed step by step from what is given to what is to be proved,
explaining your reasoning clearly.
Example 3 Proving the result about the angles in a triangle
Prove that the angles of any triangle add up to 180.
State the general fact to be proved.
Here we prove that the angles in a triangle add up to 180.
Draw a suitably-labelled diagram containing the information that you
Consider -ABC.
Add any necessary constructions.
Draw a line through B, parallel to the side AC.
Proceed step by step from what you know to the fact that is to be
proved. Explain each step clearly.
DBA and BAC are alternate angles. Therefore DBA = θ.
EBC and BCA are alternate angles. Therefore EBC = φ.
DBA, ABC and EBC are on the straight line passing through B and
so add up to 180.
So θ + ψ + φ = 180.
But this is the sum of the angles in -ABC.
Thus the angles in a triangle add up to 180.
You will be looking at some more proofs later in the unit, but in the rest of
this subsection you will see how the result about the sum of the angles in a
triangle can be used in different situations. First we look at two special
types of triangle: equilateral and isosceles triangles. ‘Isosceles’ is pronounced
If a triangle has all its sides the same length, then all its angles are equal
and the triangle is known as an equilateral triangle. On a geometric
diagram, you can show that two or more line segments have the same
length by putting a stroke, or the same number of strokes, on each of the
line segments, as shown in Figure 13.
Each angle of an equilateral triangle is 60.
If a triangle has just two sides that are the same length, then it also has
two equal angles, known as the base angles, and the triangle is called an
isosceles triangle. As shown in Figure 14, the third angle is known as
the apex angle.
A triangle in which one angle is equal to 90is called a right-angled
triangle. Example 4 considers the angles in a right-angled triangle that is
also isosceles.
Example 4 Finding angles in an isosceles triangle
Calculate the base angles in an isosceles right-angled triangle, such as the
one shown below.
Start from what you know.
Let each base angle of the triangle be θ (the same letter can be used for
each angle since the angles are equal). Then the angles of the triangle are
90, θ and θ.
Using the fact that the angle sum of a triangle is 180gives the equation
+ 2θ = 180
Solve the equation.
Rearranging the equation gives
2θ = 180
2θ = 90
θ = 45
So each base angle of the triangle is 45.
If you can show that two angles in a triangle are equal to each other, then
you can deduce that the triangle is isosceles (or possibly equilateral) and
that the sides opposite these two angles have the same length.
A triangle that is neither equilateral nor isosceles is known as a scalene
triangle. All its sides are of different lengths.
The next example involves putting together several results that you have
met so far. You will see that the steps of drawing a diagram, adding
construction lines and working logically apply here too. The example
involves finding some unknown angles: each new angle is found using
information that was either known at the start or worked out earlier in the solution.

Example 5 Finding angles related to a garden shed
The diagram below shows the front of a garden shed, including a wooden
strip that needs to be replaced. A close-up of the replacement strip is
shown in the inset. The strip makes an angle of 65with the vertical. The
lines AB and DC are parallel, and the lines AE and BC (being vertical)
are also parallel. Calculate the angles α, β, γ and δ.
Use the angle properties of straight lines, parallel lines and angles.
Since the angles on a straight line add up to 180,
γ = 180
= 115
Since the lines DC and AB are parallel, the angles marked β and 65are
corresponding angles. So
β = 65
Draw construction lines to help you to find the unknown angles.
Since the lines AE and BC are parallel, FAE and ABC are
corresponding angles. So FAE = β = 65.
Since the angles on a straight line add up to 180,
α = 180
= 115
Since the angles in -CGD add up to 180,
CDG = 180
= 25
Hence, since the angles on a straight line add up to 180,
δ = 180
= 155

Example 6 Finding an expression for an angle
Find an expression for ABC in the triangle below in terms of α.
Since the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180,
ABC + 50
+ α = 180
ABC = 180
ABC = 130
ABC can now be labelled as 130 α on the diagram.

Next, you are asked to use the dynamic geometry resource to discover
something about the sum of the exterior angles of a triangle. An exterior
angle of a triangle is the angle formed outside the triangle by one side and

an extension of the adjacent side,

Thursday 28 April 2016

UNIT 8 SEC 1,2 Pairs Of An Equal Triangle

UNIT 8 SEC 1,2 Pairs Of An Equal Triangle
28 April 2016

In a geometric diagram, parallel lines are indicated by putting matching
arrowheads on the lines. When a diagram contains two pairs of parallel
lines, one pair is marked with a single arrowhead on each line and the
other pair is marked with a double arrowhead on each line.
When you are looking at a geometric diagram, you should take care not to
assume properties that are not marked.
Opposite angles
Opposite angles are equal.
This is a useful result, as it means that as soon as you spot a pair of angles
that are opposite to each other, you can deduce that they are equal.

Corresponding and alternate angles
The angles α and β in Figure 8 are called corresponding angles, because
they are in corresponding positions on the two parallel lines
   Now let’s look at the angles formed when a line crosses a pair of parallel
The angles α and β in Figure 8 are called corresponding angles, because
they are in corresponding positions on the two parallel lines.
   These angles are equal, because if you slide angle α up then it lies exactly
on top of angle β, as you saw in Activity 4(b). Any corresponding angles
can be seen to be equal in the same way, which gives the important result
stated below.
Corresponding angles are equal.
One pair of corresponding angles is marked with single arcs, and a second pair is marked with double arcs. This is a convention used frequently in geometric
diagrams when angles are not labelled with individual letters or with their
sizes: equal angles are indicated by marking them with the same number
of arcs.
The two angles marked with double arcs are part of a capital F, and so
corresponding angles are also known informally as F angles.

 The angles α and γ are known as alternate
angles, because they are on alternate sides of the line that crosses the pair
of parallel lines. They are also known informally as Z angles, because
there is a pair of such angles in a capital Z.
Also, the angles β and γ are equal since they are
opposite angles, and hence the alternate angles α and γ are equal – you
saw this argument in Activity 4. A similar argument applies to other pairs
of alternate angles, so we have the following result.
Alternate angles are equal.
Not all pairs of alternate angles look like angles in a letter Z! For example,
in Figure 10 the two angles marked θ and φ are obtuse angles, but they are
alternate angles nevertheless. The angles marked ψ and ω are also
alternate angles.
Example 2 Finding corresponding and alternate angles
Calculate the angles α and β in the diagram below.

Look for alternate, corresponding and opposite angles.
The line segments AC and DE are parallel, so ABD and BDE are
alternate angles.
So α = 70.
Add a line segment to the diagram to help you spot equal angles.
Extend CE to a point F, as shown in the margin. Then since AC and DE
are parallel, DEF and BCE are corresponding angles. Since
BCE = 100, it follows that DEF = 100.
Since β and DEF are angles on a straight
When you work on a problem like that in Example 2, you will probably
find it helpful to mark the sizes of the angles on the diagram as you find
Suppose that two lines are crossed by a third line, as
shown in Figure 11. The result (in terms of the diagram in Figure 11) is:
If the first two lines are parallel, then the angles α and β are equal.
This result also works in reverse, in the sense that what is known as the
converse result is true:
In general, the converse of the result ‘If A is true, then B is true’ is the
result ‘If B is true, then A is true’.
There is an important point here. A large proportion of mathematical
results are of the form ‘If A is true, then B is true’ – and it is not always

the case that the converse of a result is also a mathematical result.