Wednesday 13 January 2016

Unit 4 sec 5.2 Accuracy and precision

Unit 4 sec 5.2 Accuracy and precision
13 January 2016

A word often used in this unit is precision. Elsewhere in the module. It is used in the context of a number being stated to so many decimal places or a certain number of significant figures. Its meaning will be extended here. It is a term that can easily be confused with accuracy, but in fact these 2 terms have a subtle difference in meaning.
 How would you describe this performance? The answer is that they showed accuracy but not precision. You can be described as accurate, because the average of the 5 shops is close to the centre. You are not precise, because the shirts are widely spread.
   The 1st moral of this little tale is that accuracy is a statement about the location of this set of measurements: the closer the average of the measurements to the true value of what is being measured, the more accurate your estimation of the value. The 2nd message is that precision tells you about the spread of this set of measurements: the more tightly packed your values, the more precise your measurements are.

Accuracy versus precision
for a set of (repeated) measurements:
¨    accuracy describes how close the average is to the true value.
¨    Precision describes how close the measurements are to each other.

Ideally, when making measurements, you would like to have both accuracy and precision!

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